ie wordt Miss World Nederland 2020/21?

Na een intensieve castingdag zijn de semi-finalisten bekend! Maak kennis met onze prachtige semi-finalisten en ontdekt over een paar weken wie nog in de race zijn voor de kroon en zich officieel finalist mogen noemen.

Semi-finalisten Miss World Nederland 2020/21

Tijdens de castingdag op 15 juli zijn er 20 semi-finalisten gekozen! Zij gaan de komende tijd aan de slag met toffe challenges, fotoshoots en andere gave activiteiten om zich te plaatsen als finalist voor Miss World Nederland 2020.

Amy-Joy Jalloh

Amy - Joy
Hi! I’m Amy-Joy Jalloh and I’m 19 years old. I’m a very positive, ambitious, and creative woman. Currently I’m in my second year of the study Mediadesign. If I become Miss World Netherlands, I would use that platform to become a really strong rollmodel,
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Annelies Haarsma

Good afternoon, I am Annelies Haarsma I am eighteen years old and I live with my parents and brother in Harlingen next school year I will start the training employee Secretariat and Reception I will follow this study in Leeuwarden at the Friesland College.
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Asha Sipman

My name is Asha Sipman, 24 years old en ready to put my knowledge into practice. After working in the fashion industry and visiting factories in China and Bangladesh, I came across the most polluting industry where we are all contributing to.
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Dilay Willemstein

My name is Dilay Willemstein, i’m 21 years old and I live in Eindhoven. My parents got divorced when I was 2 years old and they both have different ethnicities. I never really fit in and I had to do my best to find out who I really am.
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Iris Borgman

Iris B
My name is Iris Borgman and by becoming Miss World Netherlands, I want to raise my voice for our world. The climate change is taking its toll and causing many environmental problems. Although these problems are global and seem like something really out of reach,
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Iris van der Mars

Iris M
Hi, I’m Iris van der Mars. This year, 2020, is about changes. That’s why I want to become Miss World Netherlands, to get a platform to become part of the change. During COVID-19 especially the teenagers are getting isolated with social media.
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Laura Bas

My name is Laura Bas and I’m studying the master Culture Organization & Management, which gives me the opportunity to study organizations from all over the world trough a cultural perspective. This is where I found out that fighting for equality is my purpose.
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Lizzy Dobbe

Hello everyone, my name is Lizzy Dobbe i'm 20 years old. I live in the Netherlands. I follow the education Social Work and i also have my own beauty salon. I'm here today to tell why i should become Miss World Netherlands. I really wanna make a difference.
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Marisol Soliana

Hello everyone my name is Marisol Soliana, I am 22 years old and I live in The Hague, it's a beautiful city based in the Netherlands. I also can proudly say that I am one of the semi-finalist of Miss World Netherlands 2020-2021.
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Mandy Beekwilder

My name is Mandy Beekwilder. I am 24 years old cabin attendant, travel lover and blogger and live in Den Bosch. I am a semi finalist for Miss World Netherlands. My purpose is to enter an amazing journey with a group of inspiring women,
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Neel Al Jabori

Hi there! I am Neel Al Jabori and I am an 18 year old finalist of Miss World Netherlands. I was born in 2002 in Iraq, but didn´t have that much luck because there was a war. I had to leave my family and everything behind and fled to Syria,
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Nienke Beskers

Hello everyone, My name is Nienke, I am 18 years old and I am a semi finalist for Miss World of the Netherlands 2020. Let me tell you something about myself. I live in Winterswijk, this is a village in the east of Gelderland. My hobbies are being creative,
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Patricia Korenromp

Hello everyone, my name is Patricia Korenromp from the Netherlands. I am 24 years old and live in Zwolle. In my spare time I enjoy doing sports and active activities in overall. I work as a pedagogical employee and work with children with varying ages from zero to three.
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Sanne van de Galien

My name is Sanne and I can proudly call myself semi-finalist for Miss World Netherlands. I am a 24 year old woman and I live Leeuwarden which is the capital of Friesland. I am a hospitality management student since 2020 after finishing,
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