ie wordt Miss World Nederland 2020/21?
Na een intensieve castingdag zijn de semi-finalisten bekend! Maak kennis met onze prachtige semi-finalisten en ontdekt over een paar weken wie nog in de race zijn voor de kroon en zich officieel finalist mogen noemen.
Semi-finalisten Miss World Nederland 2020/21
Tijdens de castingdag op 15 juli zijn er 20 semi-finalisten gekozen! Zij gaan de komende tijd aan de slag met toffe challenges, fotoshoots en andere gave activiteiten om zich te plaatsen als finalist voor Miss World Nederland 2020.
Amy-Joy Jalloh
Hi! I’m Amy-Joy Jalloh and I’m 19 years old. I’m a very positive, ambitious, and creative woman. Currently I’m in my second year of the study Mediadesign. If I become Miss World Netherlands, I would use that platform to become a really strong rollmodel,
especially for people who have gone through hard times. Me for example, I’ve suffered from Lyme disease for a couple of years, so I know how it feels like when you don’t know how your future is going to be.
So I want to tell my story and show that everything is possible, regardless of disease, or disability, but also regardless of origin and skincolor. I want people to believe in themselfs and never stop dreaming. And I also want to fight prejudice, because prejudice can do a lot of harm. From the outside you cannot see what someone is going trough. Everyone is beautyful inside and out.
Annelies Haarsma
Good afternoon, I am Annelies Haarsma I am eighteen years old and I live with my parents and brother in Harlingen next school year I will start the training employee Secretariat and Reception I will follow this study in Leeuwarden at the Friesland College.
After I have completed this training I want study Office Assistance / Secretary. I am currently working as an administrative assistant at Asbest Service Friesland B.V. Working and studying is not the only thing I do, because in my spare time I can regularly be found in the gym. There I exercise an average of four times a week. Besides fitness, I also think it is important to eat healthy. With the right nutrition, exercise and motivation I want to get the best out of myself.
Asha Sipman
My name is Asha Sipman, 24 years old en ready to put my knowledge into practice. After working in the fashion industry and visiting factories in China and Bangladesh, I came across the most polluting industry where we are all contributing to.
Are we, the younger generation conscious about what sustainability really means? And how the COVID-19 situation influences the sustainability policy of company’s and the working conditions in factories?
I want to start projects to make people conscious about sustainable buying practices, starting a platform to support company’s keeping the essence of sustainability during this pandemic and creating or supporting collections contributing to the circulair economy, rather than fast fashion. The smallest improvements start with our own buying behavior.
Dilay Willemstein
My name is Dilay Willemstein, i’m 21 years old and I live in Eindhoven. My parents got divorced when I was 2 years old and they both have different ethnicities. I never really fit in and I had to do my best to find out who I really am.
I studied at the Dansopleiding in Utrecht and I recently started having my own business. I am trying to be very aware of the things I do and how that can affects others. That’s also the reason I am vegatarian.
I want to become the new Miss because with my positivity, confidence and warmth I can be a rolemodel for other women. Besides that, I reached a lot of goals without any help from a man and I want to educate other women that we can reach the top without help from men!
Iris Borgman
My name is Iris Borgman and by becoming Miss World Netherlands, I want to raise my voice for our world. The climate change is taking its toll and causing many environmental problems. Although these problems are global and seem like something really out of reach,
for an individual like you and me, even the smallest actions can help. In my daily work as a packaging developer, we are working to make our packaging recyclable and even circular. To me, this is a really important aspect of my work. But also in daily life, there are so many things that can make a difference.
As the next Miss World Netherlands I want to raise more awareness for environmental problems and highlight what you can do about it. I want to share my passion for our beautiful world and inspire and encourage you to take action. Let's save the world!
Iris van der Mars
Hi, I’m Iris van der Mars. This year, 2020, is about changes. That’s why I want to become Miss World Netherlands, to get a platform to become part of the change. During COVID-19 especially the teenagers are getting isolated with social media.
I want to spread awareness and raise my voice for body positivity. Picture perfect does not exist. Beauty comes within different sizes, colours and shapes. As a fashion stylist I want to inspire and empower other women to shine and give them the confidence to love themselves.
I can speak from experience. Yes, I have stretch marks, which I was ashamed of before, but now I can embrace it because my body has developed into a strong and healthy body of which I am proud. I also wanted to pursue perfection, but in real life it will be a never ending road unless you come to love your imperfections and all that you are.
My purpose is to bring awareness to body positivity by giving workshops at high schools and styling sessions. Everybody is beautiful in their own way and deserves to shine. Every ‘body’ counts.
Laura Bas
My name is Laura Bas and I’m studying the master Culture Organization & Management, which gives me the opportunity to study organizations from all over the world trough a cultural perspective. This is where I found out that fighting for equality is my purpose.
I have seen that friends, neighbors and fellow students withnon-western last names had way more difficulty by finding a job or an internship. This issue has been confirmed trough research. This makes me worried about my two half-sisters, who do not have a western last name or a white skintone. Working is something we all have to do, we all need income, so we can’t ignore this problem.
Knowing that we can’t change the system in a split second, I want to help the youth by giving them job interview training, to make sure they can show their talent during an interview, and teach them how to deal with prejudices. Just as Miss World is helping me to development my talent.
Lizzy Dobbe
Hello everyone, my name is Lizzy Dobbe i'm 20 years old. I live in the Netherlands. I follow the education Social Work and i also have my own beauty salon. I'm here today to tell why i should become Miss World Netherlands. I really wanna make a difference.
Because of my education i learn a lot about the problems in our society. My Beauty with a purpose is Stop Bullying. This is such a big problem a lot of people are scared to talk about it and dont get the right help. I also have experienced this. I want to help the victims of bullying and let them see that they are worthy and beautifull. Bullying is not okay and this subject needs to be talked about. Miss World Netherlands gives me the opportunity to do this. I'm really motivated because this is something i really want and i hope i can be a rol model for young girls.
Marisol Soliana
Hello everyone my name is Marisol Soliana, I am 22 years old and I live in The Hague, it's a beautiful city based in the Netherlands. I also can proudly say that I am one of the semi-finalist of Miss World Netherlands 2020-2021.
At the moment I am studying Travel and Hospitality at ROC Mondriaan in The Hague. I really love my education and that is reflected in my grades, because I am an “A” student. As for my beauty with a purpose project I stand for homeless people and for people in poverty. Why I chose this target groep is because I have experienced firsthand how these people feel and I know that it is unfair not to be able to pay for your first life needs. In my spare time I love to do fun things with my boyfriend, friends and family. and last but not least I am a proud owner of my beautiful cat named Normie.
Mandy Beekwilder
My name is Mandy Beekwilder. I am 24 years old cabin attendant, travel lover and blogger and live in Den Bosch. I am a semi finalist for Miss World Netherlands. My purpose is to enter an amazing journey with a group of inspiring women,
to become a stronger, more powerfull and more confident version of myself and to always make decisions from my heart, to follow my dreams and to inspire others within this journey.
The world can be changed even in small steps. You may not always be able to change the whole world as an individual, but you can change the world for an individual. And that is an amazing thought. As a miss, but also as a finalist, you are seen as a role model. I hope to be a role model for girls who have also been bullied and body-shamed themselves like I have been, by speaking up and telling some things about my former experiences and by showing that if you always remain your true self, follow your heart and let your heart lead, you can achieve more than you think. I´d like to use my blog more for that in the future. I want to use this miss world platform to reach people and to grow as a person.
Neel Al Jabori
Hi there! I am Neel Al Jabori and I am an 18 year old finalist of Miss World Netherlands. I was born in 2002 in Iraq, but didn´t have that much luck because there was a war. I had to leave my family and everything behind and fled to Syria,
after that I moved to South-America and now I am at my final destination where I found my real home, the Netherlands. I had a really tough road and had to discover myself and find the true, strong, powerfull and ambitious women that I actually am. Right now I am in my senior year and super close to fulfilling my dream to study medicine and become a surgeon with my own clinics in and outside of Europe that are accessible to each and every individual. It is also the reason why Miss World is so important to me, it is a part of my journey to become the women I aspire to be. I am Neel Al Jabori and I have to make my voice heard, let my name be known and my story be told. I may be young but I do not have limits when it comes to my ambitions and dreams. I came from nothing, but now I am standing right here on my way to become a strong, successful women who does the most to help man and earth.
Nienke Beskers
Hello everyone, My name is Nienke, I am 18 years old and I am a semi finalist for Miss World of the Netherlands 2020. Let me tell you something about myself. I live in Winterswijk, this is a village in the east of Gelderland. My hobbies are being creative,
having fun with my friends and of course my sport korfball. I also work a few hours a week at Hunkemöller, I really enjoy it here!
My purpose at Miss World is to bring awareness and understanding to people and children with an anxiety and panic disorder. This is a bigger problem in the Netherlands and worldwide than we think. I would like to speak about my own experience with this subject because this is something that also belongs to me.I would also like to give presentations at schools and talk with people who experience this problem, to create more understanding in our country.
Patricia Korenromp
Hello everyone, my name is Patricia Korenromp from the Netherlands. I am 24 years old and live in Zwolle. In my spare time I enjoy doing sports and active activities in overall. I work as a pedagogical employee and work with children with varying ages from zero to three.
The two things that I like about my job is, caring for the babies and the responsibilities that come with it. In my social circle I know several women who have experienced domestic abuse, which makes me sad. And it is being underestimated how often this happens to women in our society. Not only in the Netherlands, but this is happening worldwide. So now I ask myself, how can this happen so often? Can you give me the answer? From these questions I would like to bring this subject into the media, which should also bring more awareness and find a good solution for a better world.
Sanne van de Galien
My name is Sanne and I can proudly call myself semi-finalist for Miss World Netherlands. I am a 24 year old woman and I live Leeuwarden which is the capital of Friesland. I am a hospitality management student since 2020 after finishing,
my prior management related education in 2018.
For the last few years i tried to develop my skills towards helping people and had multiple functions in HR and counseling.
I am skilled in motivating, leading, listening and debating.
I have various ambitions and one of them is to let people hear my voice and my story. I have a story to tell and thanks to Miss World I am finally able to share this. To me, Miss World means an oppurtunity to meet and get to know different people. Listen to their story’s and together we try to make a change.